Welcome to the Coming Home with Heather podcast! This is the podcast for women who are struggling with anxiety and low self-confidence, who are ready to take the helm of their lives and embark on an exciting (and sometimes terrifying) journey of self-love and healing. This is the place for you if you are ready to overcome anxiety and gain unshakeable confidence so that you can begin to create the life that you desire!

Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Episode 27: 5 ways to prioritize your mental health during the holidays
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
In this week's episode, we get into the importance of routine, and I give you 5 ways that you can prioritize your mental health during the holidays.
If you are ready to start your healing journey and get some guidance along the way, feel free to reach out and set up a 1:1 call with me!
I look forward to hearing from you, and I can't wait to work with you!
Love and light,
Heather C. Stewart
Anxiety and Confidence Coach
Podcast Host
International Bestselling Author
E-mail: heather@theholistichealth101.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/_heather.stewart/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/heather.stewart.1111
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hcstewart/
Podcast: https://bit.ly/CHWHApple
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Heather-Stewart/e/B09HW1V2QR
Faith Consulting: https://faith.consulting/provider/heather-stewart
Wisdom App: @_heather.stewart

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Episode 26: The Power of Your Words
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Do you experience regular anxiety, depression, overwhelm and burnout?
Does the anxiety seriously impact your life, your relationships, your emotional and physical health?
Are you sick of it?
Are you ready to move forward?
Are you ready to let go of what is holding you back?
Are you ready to step into a more empowered, in control version of yourself?
That is what I’m here to help you do!
I’m Heather Stewart. I’m an anxiety and confidence coach, and it is my mission to create a safe, healing space for women to be inspired and empowered to make radical change in their lives.
In this episode, we are going to talk about the power of your words and how the way you speak to yourself and about your experiences can impact your mental health.
If you are ready to start your healing journey and get some guidance along the way, feel free to reach out and set up a 1:1 call with me!
I look forward to hearing from you, and I can't wait to work with you!
Love and light,
Heather C. Stewart
Anxiety and Confidence Coach
Podcast Host
International Bestselling Author
E-mail: heather@theholistichealth101.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/_heather.stewart/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/heather.stewart.1111
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hcstewart/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Heather-Stewart/e/B09HW1V2QR
Faith Consulting: https://faith.consulting/provider/heather-stewart
Wisdom App: @_heather.stewart

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Episode 25: Live for YOU: Stop People Pleasing
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
If you’ve been in my world a while, you know that I keep it real. I’ll be the first person to call you on your BS….in the most loving way, of course. Today’s episode will be no different. Buckle up and hop on. We’re going for a ride!
In today’s episode, I want to talk about a topic that I see becoming increasingly popular: people pleasing.
If you are ready to start your healing journey and get some guidance along the way, feel free to reach out and set up a 1:1 call with me!
I look forward to hearing from you, and I can't wait to work with you!
Love and light,
Heather C. Stewart
Anxiety and Confidence Coach
Podcast Host
International Bestselling Author
E-mail: heather@theholistichealth101.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/_heather.stewart/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/heather.stewart.1111
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hcstewart/
Podcast: https://bit.ly/CHWHApple
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Heather-Stewart/e/B09HW1V2QR
Faith Consulting: https://faith.consulting/provider/heather-stewart
Wisdom App: @_heather.stewart

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Episode 24: Letting go
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
This week's episode is about letting go of what no longer serves you in order to create space for more of what you DO want.
If you are ready to start your healing journey and get some guidance along the way, feel free to reach out and set up a 1:1 call with me!
I look forward to hearing from you, and I can't wait to work with you!
Love and light,
Heather C. Stewart
Anxiety and Confidence Coach
Podcast Host
International Bestselling Author
E-mail: heather@theholistichealth101.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/_heather.stewart/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/heather.stewart.1111
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hcstewart/
Podcast: https://bit.ly/CHWHApple
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Heather-Stewart/e/B09HW1V2QR
Faith Consulting: https://faith.consulting/provider/heather-stewart
Wisdom App: @_heather.stewart

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Episode 23: Friday Fireside Chat: Befriending Your Triggers w/ Catie Lynch
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
In today’s episode, I interview Catie Lynch, a therapist and mindset coach who is committed to guiding women to decondition themselves from the way they’ve been taught to think and feel about themselves, and to helping them create new, empowering beliefs that will allow them to break free from cycles of pain, fear, and self-doubt, and to move toward true inner peace and unconditional self-love. It was such a pleasure to chat with Catie about her experience with triggers, how she works through her own, and how she works now to teach women how to befriend triggers and see them as sign posts of where the inner work needs to be done. Catie has a warm, inviting energy, and I know her message will inspire you to dig deeper into your own thoughts and emotions in order to find a deeper sense of self-acceptance and peace. Enjoy!
If you’d like to get in touch with Catie, you can find her on Instagram @catielynchlcsw
If you are ready to start your healing journey and get some guidance along the way, feel free to reach out and set up a 1:1 call with me!
Email: heather@theholistichealth101.com
Instagram: @_heather.stewart
Facebook: @heather.stewart.1111
I look forward to hearing from you, and I can't wait to work with you!
Love and light,

Friday Sep 10, 2021
Episode 22: Friday Fireside Chat: Leaning into the Fear w/ Valerie Dé
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
In this episode, I interview Valerie Dé, a brand strategist and coach for new entrepreneurs to help them find their voice and establish their unique brand in the online space. It was such a treat to chat with Valerie about her experience as an entrepreneur, and how she leaned into the fear and uncertainty of reestablishing her brand in the midst of a pandemic. She has such magnetic energy and a powerful presence. I know her message will touch you are inspire you to take the next steps towards making your desires your reality. Enjoy!
If you’d like to get in touch with Valerie, you can find her on Instagram @brandingbyvalerie
If you are ready to start your healing journey and get some guidance along the way, feel free to reach out and set up a 1:1 call with me!
Email: heather@theholistichealth101.com
Instagram: @_heather.stewart
Facebook: @heather.stewart.1111
I look forward to hearing from you, and I can't wait to work with you!
Love and light,

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Episode 21: Choose Yourself
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
In today's episode, we talk about the importance of putting yourself first, and why that is NOT selfish.
If you are ready to start your healing journey and get some guidance along the way, feel free to reach out and set up a 1:1 call with me!
Email: heather@theholistichealth101.com
Instagram: @_heather.stewart
Facebook: @heather.stewart.1111
I look forward to hearing from you, and I can't wait to work with you!
Love and light,

Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Episode 19: Let life flow
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Hello, my lovelies! It has been a month since I last recorded a podcast episode. You know why?
Because I’m on vacation, and I’m allowing myself to sit back, enjoy my time, and soak up all that I can of the blessings that I have. And it feels sooo damn good.
I’m recording this episode from my bedroom overlooking the courtyard of a charming little riad, which is like a bed and breakfast, in Marrakech. The peaceful courtyard full of trees, plants, birds, and even a frog, a turtle, a few tortoises, a cat, and the resident guard dog, Bobby, is the perfect backdrop for today’s episode. You may hear some of the courtyard musings during this episode, which I am inviting into this beautiful, healing space.
Today, I’d like to talk about a topic that is seldom addressed: Letting life flow.
If you are ready to start your healing journey by making small, sustainable changes that lead to long-lasting transformation, my new group coaching program Flourish: Tending to your lifestyle to heal anxiety, is for you.
This program addresses all the aspects of your physical health, including nutrition, movement, sleep, and stress management.
The program is on earlybird pricing until August 6. Contact me via the following channels:
Email: heather@theholistichealth101.com
Instagram: @_heather.stewart
Facebook: @heather.stewart.1111
I look forward to hearing from you, and I can't wait to work with you!
Love and light,

Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Episode 18: Becoming a Lifelong Learner
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Lifelong learning is the ongoing, voluntary, self-directed, and joyful pursuit of knowledge that is focused on your own personal development and growth. In other words, learning for learning’s sake. As a professionally trained educator, helping my students become lifelong learners is at the core of my teaching philosophy. And that philosophy carries over into this space and into my coaching space.
Why is personal development an important part of your journey to overcome anxiety?
Listen now for the 6 reasons why personal development is an integral part of your healing journey.
If you want more information about how to begin your healing journey, I’d love to chat with you! Contact me via Instagram @_heather.stewart or via email at heather@theholistichealth101.com
If you'd like to join my free Facebook community, the Wholehearted Women's Society, click here.

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Episode 17: Face your fears!
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
I want you to take a moment and imagine this:
Your future self, living anxiety-free.
How does she look? How does she feel? What does she believe? How does she handle adversity?
I’m willing to bet that you answered those questions something like this:
She looks content and confident. She feels healthy, happy, and fulfilled. She believes that she can conquer any adversity. She overcomes her obstacles effortlessly with grace and compassion.
The most important question I want you to consider is the last one: How does she handle adversity?
Why this question, you ask?
How you handle adversity is a testament to your capacity to sit with difficult emotions.
Your future self handles adversity like a boss BECAUSE she learned how to sit with difficult emotions instead of running from them.
Right now, if you struggle with anxiety, anxiety is your adversity.
It is your biggest obstacle to your success.
But it doesn't have to be.
In today’s episode, I’m going to talk about how AVOIDING difficult emotions like anxiety actually WORSENS the anxiety.
I know, it sounds counter-intuitive, but hear me out….
When I began my healing journey, I didn't know where to start. Looking back, I WISH I knew what I know now. My journey, and the success I have had with myself and my clients, is the inspiration for this 5-day anxiety toolkit.
In the past 4 years, I have done it all. From psychotherapy to medication to nutrition to NLP to RTT to energy healing....you name it, been there, done that.
So I know what works. And what doesn't.
And I've curated it all into a 5-day breakthrough course to get you started on your healing journey.
In this course, I will give you the tools you need to set off on your journey toward freedom from anxiety. I will show you how to break free from the cycle, and create the life you DESIRE!
This is the program I needed when I was deep in the muck, having panic attacks every day, not recognizing myself in the mirror, and feeling simultaneously desperate for answers and hopeless that there even were any.
If you are sick and tired of being triggered by every little thing, feeling like your emotions control you, and like you'll never be able to get your life together, this is the course for you.
Visit the enrollment link here to get started.
If you want more information about how to begin your healing journey, I’d love to chat with you! Contact me via Instagram @_heather.stewart or via email at heather@theholistichealth101.com
If you'd like to join my free Facebook community, the Wholehearted Women's Society, click here.